Jun 28Liked by Colleen Heidecker

Have you tried garlic scapes? I discovered them last year. They are SO yummy and last forever. Apparently they can be pickled too.

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Fast Fact: While touring the veggie markets with a group taking a Thai cooking course in Changmai, the tour guide Henry insisted that garlic scapes were a hangover cure. Just blend them up he said. Just add some lemon juice he said. 0/10 DO NOT RECOMMEND!! If you can choke down even a thimble full, you're a beast... Needless to say, the pungency of this "cure" is really just a distraction from your woes AND a reminder to perhaps imbibe less next time for fear that the cure is worse than the problem.

But in a salad or as an accompaniment to a dish garlic scapes provide a fantastically unique flavour and bouquet. Just not a slurry of them :)

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I have only tried them once a few years ago and remember them being very tasty! I’m going to be interviewing Fifth Gen Farms soon and her main crop is garlic so I’ll definitely try them at her farm!

Thanks for the great suggestion and thanks for reading ☺️

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