1 Comment

Good video. Short and to the point. I see 10 minutes on a vid and I know I can speed it up and make good use of my time for sure.

- I love Russell Brand's use of his hands when asking comments 'below'.

- Hmm. Now that the video's over all I can really remember is what was associated with the title. Instead of asking for a Yes/No question in the title perhaps you should have generalized to asking your audience for help/ideas/suggestions/advice? That way they are part of the "WE" as in "We are in this together" is Prices going up... but also the viewers who love you and your chocolate experiences might have advice or ideas and be really motivated to write comments and not just passively absorb the video like it's a tv show. Like yesterday when we were at Daisy Chain Book Company and the women were so taken by your passion and just gravitated around you as you shared. A proud moment for me to watch...

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